over the past few months. As many lay people who do not know much about art, I would look at a Jackson Pollock piece and say, “my kid could paint that!”. But in my heart I knew that was not true, and silently I liked and admired his work.

Representational paintings are much easier for the every day person to understand. You look at the painting, you see what it is, and the form acts as a beginning to understand and interpret the https://przemekjurek.pl/
piece. But, with abstract art paintings, there is no recognizable form to influence your conscious opinion. Abstract art works at a deeper level, with the intention to evoke unconscious feelings and emotions. As the observer, your purpose should be to open yourself up and allow the painting to evoke these feelings and emotions.

This is not the easiest thing to do. But when you first look at abstract art paintings, you feel something. Once you allow yourself to get past the “I can do that” reaction, you will discover that your first real emotion evolves around whether you like or dislike the piece. To the newbie art observer, the next inclination may be to move on, but don’t! Abstract art paintings are not the type of thing that you look at for a few seconds, and then move onto the next, you have to be willing to invest two things to gain a greater appreciation of abstract art: time and yourself. You must take time to really look at the painting, and you must open up, clear your mind, and allow the painting to evoke an emotion.

When you first see the painting, it is most likely from a distance. Don’t go any closer! Stop there and take a moment to look a the painting, how does it make you feel? If you cannot put this into words, that is o.k. After a few minutes, move a little closer. Take time to view the pain