All religions without exception have their roots in the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood (GWB), although some have strayed afar from the original teachings of their messengers and founders and the purposes of their establishment. Fortunately, in every religion there is an esoteric side perpetuated by the Initiates of the GWB. We will not discuss the Great White Brotherhood in detail here, those who are interested in acquiring more information may refer to the many metaphysical books on the subject. Suffice to say that the GWB is the “community of saints” mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. The members are non-sectarian and universal in their attitudes and beliefs. Collectively and individually, they have transcended dogmatic religions and their schisms, and have embraced the pristine teachings, principles, and laws of the Spirit, which is the source of pure Religion. Within the GWB is a Spiritual Hierarchy of Cosmic beings that represents the God-Government of our beloved planet operating at present in higher dimensions. The members currently holding offices in this hierarchy were the saints, prophets, sages, and avatars of the past. In one aspect, “heaven made manifest” is the application of cosmic laws governing the omniverse and upheld by the GWB, on the individual, social, national and international levels.
As alluded to above, every religion has an esoteric aspect where the Ancient Wisdom of the GWB is preserved for those who are spiritually awakened and 離婚したくない場合の奥の手 prepared to receive higher revelations. Teachings of Deity cannot be confined or limited to a single book, tradition, or teacher. Revelation is a continuous process that meets the growing spiritual and psychological needs of humanity.
As the “prodigal son,” humanity answers to God’s call to return Home by initially being obedient to the unfolding spiritual “conscience,” or the “still small voice” of the Spirit. Religions were established to foster this growth–not to enforce and educate a false conscience based on man-made interpretations of the Word of God, but to awaken within the soul that which is already inherent and supra-natural. This was recognized by Socrates who, with his unique system of inquiry, sought to awaken the souls of his listeners to “recollect” Truth.
Pure religious precepts direct men and women to free themselves from the creation of a sense of limitation and negativity in all expressions–in thought and behavior, for these hinders the voice of the Spirit from making its presence felt–and consequently, the delay of the spiritual evolution of the indwelling Soul.