But in China, it has been only a few years after the shea butter being recognized. Avocado butter is a woody oil plant in hot dry western and central Africa. The butter was found in fruit of the tree and is a new type of a https://miura-seikotsuin.net/ natural oil ingredients. In the 1970s, China cultivated it on Yuanjiang valley of Yunnan. A butter tree’s height is about 4 m to13 m with milk. The flowering period is from December to February next year. The fruit period is from April to June with berry spherical, diameter 4 cm ~ 5 cm and brown color.


Avocado fat to monounsaturated triglycerides as the main component, the appearance of hard paste, soft and covered with small granular crystals, refined scent before a large, color according to its processing and production process of different yellow or light green, after refining a touch of unique flavor fruit butter, white, storage and transportation very convenient.

Avocado butter is natural oil, in addition to many traditional uses, at this stage as new cosmetic raw materials for its excellent melting properties and performance of widely used emollient cream, emulsion, Lip balm, skin care and hair products and other cosmetics.

As a new cosmetic raw materials, not avocado unsaponifiable matter in fat mass fraction of 9% to 13%, which is not available in other vegetable oils, and avocado butter and natural moisturizing factor in the extract from the sebaceous glands moisturizing agents have the same composition to itself as a natural vitamin A cream [cited, so avocado fat is also considered to be the most effective natural skin moisturizer and conditioner, which used in beauty creams, emulsions, anhydrous cream and other repair jewelry to complement the lack of human epidermal cells in the fat, keep the skin to provide a variety of physiological balance of the required basic elements minoxidil. Used collagen facial cleanser cream.

Because it contains cinnamate, th